Refer A Friend & Get A Free Year Of Membership!

Our $50 referral credit offer has expired! As of July 1st, 2024, we now offer 1 year of membership, free, credited on top of any years you have already paid for!

Tell your friends about the Heating Oil Service. Copy & paste this message:


I joined Green Energy Consumers' Heating Oil Service and am typically saving 15-30 cents per gallon on heating oil with a local full-service dealer. That's because Green Energy Consumers, a local non-profit based in Boston and Providence, uses group buying power to negotiate fair deals for their members.

Green Energy Consumers does even more than get me good oil prices! They ensure that:

  • I can make my home more energy efficient, so I can save oil;
  • I can get the full-service and payment flexibility I need with a local dealer;
  • and I get trustworthy news on the oil market and other heating technologies.

Check them out today at

If you decide to become a member, make sure you mention that I referred you!




You can refer a friend in MA or RI. Just make sure your friend mentions or enters your name when they sign up.

Fill out IF you would like us to send you brochures in the mail.