Tax Receipts - 1 of 2: Check your electric Bill

Most people in your community electricity program are enrolled in the Standard option automatically, and are therefore eligible for a tax receipt (since the Standard option includes more renewable energy than required by law). We'll show you how to find out if you're enrolled, then how to get your tax receipt by email.

To get started, you need a recent Eversource electric bill (online or in print) for each property where you pay for electricity in eligible communities. A sample of page 2 of a bill is provided on this page to help you follow the steps.

Get started:

Electric Bill - Eversource pg 1

1. Find the "Total charges for Electricity" section (outlined in the red box on the sample). Verify that your community's name or program name appears (top red arrow; our sample shows Arlington, MA). Each community is different. Your bill may not match what is seen on the graphic exactly, but that's ok.

2. Verify that your community's rate appears by Generation Service Charges (red arrow 2). Click here to look up your community's rate. (If the rate doesn't match, read this before proceeding).

3. If your community's name & rate appears in this section, you are eligible to claim your payments for renewable energy as charitable contributions.
Click below to calculate your tax deduction.

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